Noise can disrupt sleep and interfere with daily activities. If loud enough, it can also have a negative impact on people's health.
Brisbane City Council does not deal with noise complaints about:
The Environmental Protection Act 1994 provides exemptions from noise created from:
Some noise regulations include a maximum loudness in decibels. Here are usual decibel levels for everyday situations:
Council can issue an on-the-spot fine or an Environmental Enforcement Order for nuisance residential noise. An Environmental Enforcement Order will detail the offence and the timeframe the offender has to fix the problem. If the Environmental Enforcement Order is not complied with, Council may issue an on-the-spot fine or prosecute the offender in severe cases.
The Environmental Protection Act 1994 outlines allowable noise levels for different types of equipment and activities.
Some commercial and industrial properties have development approvals and conditions which must be complied with. If a company does not comply, Council may issue a Show Cause Notice or an Enforcement Notice.
An Enforcement Notice can require the company to comply with the development conditions, take specific action, or stop the activity causing the noise issues. Council can also prosecute offenders under the Planning Act 2016.
Find out how to lodge a complaint about a nuisance issue.