Service Maturity Icon" />
Users can download the application form for Arms Licence Renewal in Himachal Pradesh
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Online Jambandi, Shajra and Tatima/Musavi
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The Socities under Act, 2006 can submit their soceity registration application online , can track its status and download eCertificate on approval
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The citizen can search for the registered socities in the State
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The citizen can submit their soceity registration application online , can track its status and download eCertificate on approval
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Check other papers laid on the table of the House such as Administrative Reports, Annual Reports, Recruitment and Promotion Rules, Annual Audit Reports, CAG Reports etc.
Redress And Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) " />
This is the Government Services Portal of India, developed with an objective to enable a single window access to services being provided by the various Indian Government entities. This Portal is an initiative under the India Portal Project. It is designed and developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India.
Last Updated: Sep 10, 2024