The most accessible and comprehensive book for criminological theory courses available today, Criminological Theory: A Text/Reader, Second Edition provides the best of both worlds—substantial but brief authored sections on all of the major course topics, followed by carefully edited, policy-oriented, original research articles covering criminological theory from past to present and beyond. The Second Edition’s dozens of articles reflect both classic studies and state-of-the-art research. Designed throughout to enhance understanding, the book includes a helpful "How to Read a Research Article" before the first reading, as well as article introductions, photographs, and discussion questions that capture student interest and help them develop their critical thinking skills. The new 2nd edition has added 8 new readings that are more recent and applicable to theoretical models discussed in text.
We gratefully acknowledge Stephen Tibbetts and Craig Hemmens for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due Melissa Ryan for developing the ancillaries on this site.
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