New: SPT interval
We are looking forward to receiving any feedback or suggestions to further optimize our online periodontal risk assessment tool.
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Christoph A. Ramseier, MAS
Associate Professor, University of Bern, Switzerland
Periodontist SSP, EFP
Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Periodontology
Enter the age of the patient.
Number of teeth and implants
Enter the number of teeth and implants for the calculation of BOP% (1-32, wisdom teeth can be included).
Number of sites per tooth / implant
Select the number of sites per tooth or implant (2, 4, or 6) measured for BOP.
Number of BOP-pos. sites
Enter the number of BOP-positive sites.
Number of sites with PPD≥5mm
Enter the number of sites with periodontal probing depths of 5mm or more.
Number of missing teeth
Enter the number of missing teeth (1-28, wisdom teeth are not included).
% Alveolar bone loss
Enter the amount of alveolar bone loss at the most advanced site in increments of 10%. In periapical radiographs, the % alveolar bone loss is compared with the distance 1mm apical from the cemento-enamel junction to the root apex. In Bitewing radiographs, % alveolar bone loss is calculated with 10% per 1mm.
Select 'Yes' for the following systemic conditions: Diabetes type I or II, IL-1 polymorphism, or stress.
Select 'Former smoker (FS)' if tobacco use cessation preceded 5 years or more. Select 'Occasional Smoker (OS)'' for up to 10 cigarettes per day, 'Smoker (S)' for up to 20 cigarettes per day, and 'Heavy Smoker (HS)' if more than 20 cigarettes per day are used.
LANG N P, TONETTI M S: Periodontal risk assessment (PRA) for patients in supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). Oral Health Prev Dent 1: 7-16 (2003).